Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Break-Day 2

Yesterday was amazing. I shall tell the story in pictures and funny quotes. And then actually tell the story.

The lake outside our condo with our personal dock.
Steph L., Elizabeth and Lex on the deckSteph L. and Lex
All of us in the living room
The coolest guitar ever
Elvis is our hero
Only in the South
The Hard Rock Cafe
Sitting in front of a river in Nashville
Printers Alley

Elizabeth and Steph L. in front of the Parthenon

Steph is way too excited about seeing the Parthenon
Frolicking to the Parthenon

More frolicking

More frolicking

The two lovers meet

No Steph, you can't scale the column

Elizabeth and her sister Delia at the Loveless Cafe

Elizabeth and Lex

Trying on Easter hats in Wal-Mart at 3am

Watch out for Steph L.

The end.

All good quotes come from Steph (L.):
"The Abomidable Ho-man!"
"This makes me want to get naked and roll around on the floor."
"'Cause I'm bad."
"Look at the Metopes."
"It's too intellectually loopy."
"I'm a UPPEAH nerd." (Urban Practice and Planning Environment Art History)
"Maybe in a foreign country fresh eggs."
"You break it down very nicely."
"Ooo... Look at that moo moo on him."
"With a wooden spoon that is."
"Tasty times abound."
And the one that took the cake:
"If you had wieners I would smack them all."

Lex is funny:
"You can work out with Richard Simmons."
"He couldn't keep it in his man-skirt."

Elizabeth is a very funny girl:
"They didn't even have pants."
"You are the proboscis monkey to my guerrilla."

Overall the day was again, amazing. We woke up around noon, ate, got ready and headed into Nashville. There we met Elizabeth's older sister, Delia who was totally awesome. We walked around downtown for a bit and then went to the Loveless cafe for dinner where we oddly enough ran into four guys from school. What are the odds that we would see people from Richmond in Nashville at the same restaurant on the outskirts of town at the same time? It was pretty insane.

After we got back to the condo we watched Troy (yay Brad Pitt) and then decided we wanted to go to Wal-Mart. So what if it was three in the morning? We're on Spring Break we can go to Wal-Mart whenever we want! We had some pretty awesome times there. I bought a pretty new sun dress and a cute t-shirt.

Then it was back to the condo for candy and sleep.

Good times.

Stay tuned for more pictures and funny quotes from Spring Break '08!

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