Friday, February 29, 2008

NYT Error

I love finding errors in newspapers. Makes me feel better about myself.

On the front page of the New York Times this morning, an article titled "For Obama, a Taste of the Real Battle Ahead" called Barack Obama, Mr. Obaba. On the FRONT PAGE!

I had a good laugh with that one.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


This little girly made my day yesterday...

I shall call her Delilah and she shall be mine. She shall be my Delilah! (Anyone not understanding the Finding Nemo reference should watch the movie, NOW!)

The Hoffmeyer's dog, Princess who is part black lab, part chow had puppies with a yello lab and they turned out like...


They are one week old in these pictures, taken Tuesday, February 26, 2008.


I get one!

Grandmama agreed that I could have a puppy as long as a) its a girl because boys are icky and Buster would not be a happy doggie (like he is anyway, grumpy old man) b) I pay for everything which is doable, possibly... I'll make it work, and c) she has somewhere to stay while I am away for the summer and the Hoffmeyer's agreed to keep her for the three-four months I'll be gone!

YAY! I get a puppy! I get a puppy, I get a puppy, I get a puppy hey hey hey hey! (Anyone not understanding the Little Rascals reference needs some serious culture.)

This little gal was whimpering in her box and right when I picked her up she stopped whimpering and fell asleep in my arms. aaaaaawwwwwwww!

My little Delilah!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008



Don't let anyone tell you any different.

My English mid-term this semester will be on Ralph Waldo Emerson's view on education and how that contrasts with Edward Bellamy's idea of what education will be in the future in Looking Backward.

While this is all very interesting and I have no qualms with studying the subject, I also have a Journalism, Elementary Programming and Music mid-term as well as all of my regular homework.

Yay college...

Retail Therapy

I love new shoes. And chocolate.

Especially shoes on sale and Godiva chocolate.

And sometimes I just need to buy cute new shoes and eat Godiva all on the same day. Then life is just better.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"The only thing we have to fear...

Jay Leno had elementary school students finish this quote:

"The only thing we have to fear...

is beef."
kids been reading the news

is if the ninjas are coming."
true, definitely scary

is Hillary Clinton."
... I love this kid

Here are some more:

Question asked of students: "What does the president do all day?"

"He fills his bathtub full of money and rolls in it." (I don't know if I quoted that one exactly...)

"He sits in his chair hoping the next election will never come."

Finish this quote:

"The only thing we have to fear...

is Michael Jackson."

I love these little kids, and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno for giving me some awesome things to laugh about.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

College Edition

A video clip from News in Color, a guy on YouTube.

Warning: Some slight language, but nothing you won't hear on cable.

New quotes!

"Just say no to post-modernism."

"Once you graduate, your life will officially suck."

Friday, February 15, 2008

SAD: Singles Awareness Day

Because my friend, Steph (yes we have the same name, it gets really confusing) and I are both single we decided to be each other's Valentine.

It was good times, I felt special. I mean some on, its drawn with crayons! How totally awesome is that?!

Publication Number 2

Heck yes.

Page 3 of this weeks Collegian.

This story was amazing to research because it involved a docent-led tour of the museum and then, dinner with Holocaust survivors.

It was beyond words.

You can read the full article here.

And here is last weeks, since I just found The Collegian online.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Okay, there is definitely something wrong with the world when a restaurant, like Red Robin, can advertise AND sell a Banzai Burger...

The new Banzai Burger is "Hawaiian" style with grilled pineapple and terriyaki (which is "Japanese"). Does anyone else see something wrong with that? I certainly do and, of course, I'm going to tell you why.

The word "banzai" is a phrase associated with Japanese soldiers during World War II. If I remember correctly, the Japanese and Hawaii didn't have a very good relationship...

Seriously people!

That is so wrong I can't even begin to explain it. And it has nothing to do with being politically correct. There is a very obvious line between being finicky and being just plain wrong.

And this is just wrong.

Seriously? Seriously?!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm Published!

And here's your proof...

My article is under the picture on the right

Continued on Page 5...

Ta da!

Front Page

That's right! I mentioned that I wrote and submitted my first article to The Collegian and got a "nice work!" from my News Writing professor.


It's being published! And not just published, it's being published on the FRONT PAGE!


Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da

Ha ha ha!

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited. I'll take a picture of it and post it so you guys can see it.

I feel so accomplished. I have actually found something I am passionate about AND good at. I have a possible career... This is really strange and going to take some time to get used to.

Go college!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

They Like Me...

They really like me!

I wrote an article about a Super Tuesday Results Viewing Party put on by the University of Richmond's Center for Civic Engagement and submitted it to the school paper, The Collegian. The party ended a little after midnight and I e-mailed the story around 2:30am.

I have no idea if it will be published especially since this is my first article, ever, I've never written for The Collegian before (obviously if this is my first article...) and they might not have enough room.

But! My News Writing professor said, "Nice work! I hope they use it." And that was all I needed to hear.

My first article got a "nice work!"!

I think I need a nap now...

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I am excited, very excited, about Journalism right now. I am doing well in my class and look forward to learning more about the subject. I can see a possible career, a possible future for myself.

It's kind of like the light at the end of the tunnel. It's there and it is bright and inviting and freakishly scary. It reminds me of the scene from A Bug's Life when the one bug says to the other, "Don't go towards the light" and the other replies, "I can't help it" and gets burned by the bug zapper.

I feel like that second bug. I can't help but go towards the light even though it's scary and unknown.

Yet unlike that bug, I don't have a choice. Time will bring the future whether I like it or not and that speeding train is going to smack me in the head, head on. So now I have the choice to either stand there like a deer in the headlights and get squished, or I can jump on the train and enjoy the ride, bumps and all.

I think I'm going to go with the jumping.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Girls Night Out

My friend, Elizabeth, her roommate and my new friend Steph and Elizabeth's old roommate Babui had a night on the town last night. Well, sort of.

We went to Carytown and had dinner at 3 Monkeys. It was good food for a good price and we had some good times. There were a lot of good inside jokes made that night including, Mike a hile to 3 Turkeys...

Then it was back to Elizabeth and Steph's dorm room for movies and pie! We watched Waitress (awesome! made us all want a baby, but not until we graduate from college and get married of course...) and the Family Guy spoof on Star Wars which was pretty funny.

By the time we were done it was almost midnight and I did NOT want to drive home so they let me sleep on an air mattress on the floor.

I love new friends, especially these guys.

And you know what else I love? Being a girl.

Elizabeth and I

We also had fun defacing a High School Musical 2 poster. This is Steph showing her devotion to Zac Efron.