Monday, February 11, 2008


Okay, there is definitely something wrong with the world when a restaurant, like Red Robin, can advertise AND sell a Banzai Burger...

The new Banzai Burger is "Hawaiian" style with grilled pineapple and terriyaki (which is "Japanese"). Does anyone else see something wrong with that? I certainly do and, of course, I'm going to tell you why.

The word "banzai" is a phrase associated with Japanese soldiers during World War II. If I remember correctly, the Japanese and Hawaii didn't have a very good relationship...

Seriously people!

That is so wrong I can't even begin to explain it. And it has nothing to do with being politically correct. There is a very obvious line between being finicky and being just plain wrong.

And this is just wrong.

Seriously? Seriously?!



Anonymous said...

Wrong name or not it sure sounds tasty.

Steph said...

You consumer! *scoff*