Monday, January 28, 2008


Wow, at this very moment I am madly in love with Journalism and feeling pretty darn good about myself.

We had to write a lede (or lead), which is the first sentence of a story used to capture the readers attention, for News Writing. Some people received "F"s but not me! I got an A+/100, V(ery) Good!

Yes! Touchdown! Time for a happy dance! (I haven't done one of these for a while...)

Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh uh huh uh huh! Woo! Ya!

Here's my A+ winning lede:

Two 12-year-old girls on their way home from CPR class yesterday revived their godmother, who was choking on a piece of meat at a cafe on West Broad Street.

Now don't you want to know more? I certainly do...

This was an awesome confidence booster for me. I've been worried that I wasn't going to be any good at this journalism thing and then all hope would be lost, etc, etc. Now I know that I at least have a chance and might actually be good.

Hurray for "A"s! And "+"s! ; )

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