Monday, May 12, 2008

Home Again

I've been back for a week and so far it's been good times. I've done a lot of sleeping (a LOT of sleeping), eating, reading and a little shopping. I've already hit all the major necessary food places like Alberto's, In-N-Out and Panda Express. All of which do not exist in Virginia. It's been too cold to go to the beach yet but this week is suppose to be in the 80s and 90s so I will be getting my beach fill soon enough.

Africa Update:

I still need $800 by last Friday but it is ok because I know God will provide the money. I get the rest of my shots tomorrow and the medical forms I left on my desk in Virginia are on their way to me (thank you Josh) so I can finish them and send them to AIM. And I almost have everything planned for my arrival in New York for my briefing.

Your prayers are appreciated. And if you want to give financially please e-mail me at

I will let you know how I do after my shots tomorrow night. Supposedly they have the potential to make me sick so let's pray that is not the case.


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