Sunday, April 27, 2008


is huge!

She went from this

to this

in just 10 weeks. How crazy is that?

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Top Story

You got it! My article about the tuition increase for next year was the top story of this weeks Collegian!!!!!!

Happy dance time.


Break it down.

Do do do do do do do do do. O o o o o o o o o o. Da da!

Here is the link to the main page.

Here is the story.

I also have a story on page 3 about how the university spent its money in 2005 based on a tax form. Unfortunately the link isn't working so you'll just have to believe me when I tell you. Hahaha!

I also wrote three briefs that were on page 2 which are also not on the website. Sorry.

Anyway, yeah! I definitely feel accomplished and am proud of my work. This journalism thing is definitely working out for me.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


This had been a pretty productive weekend. I finished a story for this weeks Collegian that will double as my News Writing final and just finished the final paper for my English class. Now all I have left is to write a blues song for music theory, study for a theory final, an elementary programming final and project and a colloquium final. Not too bad for the end of my sophomore year.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Collegian

Here is this weeks.

I wrote three campus briefs that are not online unfortunately. Still a good paper.

For the upcoming and last issue of the year I am writing a long story about the upcoming tuition increase. We'll see what happens with that.

Delilah, You're Irresistable

And home! As of today it has been a week since Delilah came home and it has been good times. Of course she likes to chew on my toes and everything else she can pick up but that's ok. She's cute enough to get away with it.

You can see the rest of the pictures here.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More News

It's another Thursday at The Collegian. Only this time we are very close to being done and it is only (I say only...) 12:45am.

Everyone came early and did what they could in advance so that we could all go to sleep before the sun comes up. So far it looks like that is actually going to be the case and I am happy about that.

I realized I have been neglecting you, my proud and few readers, by not putting up a link to last weeks Collegian. So here it is.

The link may change when this weeks paper is put out tomorrow. If I remember/have the time I will correct it.

Until then, enjoy!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Funny Times

As you well know, I am a connoisseur of Get Fuzzy and I have to say that the following comics are amazingly funny. But I think their hilarity level has a lot to do with personal experience; therefore, I shall let you in on the joke. [Click on the picture for a larger, more readable view.]

During spring break there was a conversation that resulting in this quote: "Stop calling me mommy and make me a sandwich."

At the University of Richmond we have a serious lack of diversity and an apparently overwhelming need to talk about it instead of actually doing anything.
"He's not open-minded. He's just a moron." Oh Bucky, how right you are.


I am officially a Charles City driver; I hit a deer.

Ya, it was scary. I'm pretty sure I killed it...

There really is no way to make that less disturbing or funny. *shoulder shrug*

Jr. Highers

Are actually pretty cool. (Don't tell anyone I said that. I will deny it.)

This weekend I took one of our girls from church, Ginna (pronounced Jenna) to a Confirmation Retreat. We had an awesome time playing games, doing crafts, and most of all dancing like mad women.

Of course it rained for a large portion of it but we were all still out there walking in the mud with out little compasses, trying to find particular trees. What could be a better way to spend a weekend?

One Week Left

and then Delilah can come home!

These are just my favorites. View the rest of the album here.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I'm Back in the News Room Again

And it is good times.

Last week we were done with the paper at 4 a.m. Righ now it is 4:04 a.m. and I am waiting for approval on my last page and then I can go to sleep. At least this week I don't have to get up in the morning for any reason. I could probably sleep all day...

Minus the fact that I have homework and two tests on Friday and a weekend retreat to prepare for.

Good times.

PS: I'll put up a link for the paper tomorrow and none for last week. And I will have new puppy pictures probably Sunday. She is so cute and I get to bring her home in less than two weeks!